Tuesday, July 14, 2009

MemberTrix Launch

The MemberTrix system launch is on July 21, 2009 (Tuesday) at 11AM (EST/New York). Don't miss it. You can only join the system by invitation. Register now to get the system definition and invitation (no obligation is required to join).


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Breast Cancer and Self Examination

Today, more and more women are recognizing breast cancer symptoms. They are completing self examinations every month and they are having mammograms on a regular basis. All women should get a breast cancer test (mammogram) on a regular basis.

Colon Cancer in the U.S.

In the U.S., colon cancer is the second most common cancer. It causes over 50,000 deaths in the country each year; which is about as many American soldiers that died in the entire Vietnam conflict. If you're interested in colon cancer prevention then continue reading.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Health and Fitness

How long has it been since you exercised? Possibly a long time ago. The older we get then the more we need to exercise to keep the body fit for the everyday demands we place on it. Don't let your body go to pot. Get a physical and make certain you are cleared to exercise in earnest. You should get your blood pressure checked to see if you need to take medication. In addition, you may need to diet if you're overweight. Take it slow in the beginning if its been a long time since you last exercised.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Legal and Law

There has been a lot of legal issues hitting the front pages over this past year regarding some of the proposed mergers and anti-competition. With the economy in the tank for an uncertain period, we are likely to see more of the same. Things are not getting better they are getting worse. The political arena is also full of accusations that are not justified. One thing for certain, the world and not just the U.S.A. needs to do some dramatic things to improve on things like alternative energy, global warming and the financial crisis which led to the mortgage meltdown. Rise up and be counted.

In case you are interested in learning more in some other areas, check out the following information:

Writing and Speaking
News and Society

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Do you have a good or bad relationship with another individual? Relationships are usually classified as interpersonal, intimate and casual. The interpersonal one is typically when the individuals involved have a longer term association with each other. The intimate one means the individuals are very close to each other. The casual, or causality, one is about cause and effect events. How do you measure up in
your relationships? Take a lot at some interesting thoughts in this area.

You might also be interested in seeking more knowledge in the personal and health areas.

See if your health and fitness measures up to a sound body and mind.
Are you eating the proper food and drink to make sure your're getting the right nutrients?

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Travel and Leisure

Travel for fun is a questionable option these days. My guess is that you're depressed given the sad state of affairs in the US economy. It's hard making ends meet with the high prices of everything. How can we possibly think about traveling on a wonderful vacation without feeling the pinch from our car's gas tank or the mortgage that's hanging over our heads. The value of our assets have decreased but the cost of living has risen. What is a man or woman to do? My guess is we just have to hunker down and pull together and maybe.. just maybe.. we'll get through this mess in time.

I will be writing articles on many topics that are oriented towards the average everyday person's struggle to keep their head above water. Keep in touch and maybe some of my articles will help ease some of the pain. I hope so. Here are some of the things I will be presenting:

1. Business - How do the big time businesses effect us and can we make a living in a home business?

2. Finance - Is your situation at the critical point? Many more people are saying yes today. Don't let your finance condition go south. Get help if you need it.